We cater for everyone as much as possible, with a variety of trails, brain-teasing ‘missions’, and some truly lovely grounds. Our feedback consistently shows that families, couples, grandparents (with or without children) and groups of all ages enjoy spending time at our park.
Yes – although if your pushchair has very small hard wheels it will be tough going in some places. Those with bigger wheels capable of traveling over grass will be fine.
In wet weather, you will need wellies or walking boots. Some paths can end up with large puddles and some trails will take you off the path and across grass.
We will always do what we can to accommodate you, please do get in contact with us if there is anything you would like to know prior to visiting. Disabled is an umbrella term for many different requirements – but most people are asking due to a mobility issue and want to know about walkers and wheelchairs. In this instance, it is very dependent on the user and the equipment. A physically able wheelchair user with a rugged chair will probably cope perfectly fine with the bulk of our outside spaces, but someone who isn’t as able or is using a smaller, less capable chair, will struggle to access all areas. *Please note – wheelchair users will need to transfer to the train seats leaving their chairs at the Mansion House Station. The first floor of the Forbidden Mansion isn’t wheelchair accessible.
No, these entry slots are there to manage the flow of people into the park and try to prevent huge influxes of crowds in peak periods.
Clues are changed each year, so a fresh experience can be expected if you return to visit us annually. Should you run out of time, you can always come back to complete your trail, alternatively you may wish to try another of our trails if you only had time for one on your first visit.
We offer the same online discount to all, there is an across the board discount of 14% for all pre-booked tickets. There are regrettably no discounts for NHS/military personnel.
Groups of 15 or more can email us info@hiddenvalley.co.uk prior to booking to receive further discount. There is an across the board discount of 14% for all pre-booked tickets online.
The park has been owned by the same family since it began in 1994. ‘He who is behind it all’ is usually not too far away, he could be cutting grass, repairing something, he may have seen you in on the door or made you a coffee – he’s an unassuming soul who just enjoys creating what you see around you in the park.
Please do get in touch with us as soon as possible and we will endeavour to move your booking to an alternative day.
We have had countless families arrive equipped for bad weather and enjoy a day of clue solving, even in the pouring rain! We won’t reissue tickets for an alternative day in these circumstances unless there is a severe weather warning.
Sometimes these emails seem to end up in spam or junk folders, if you can’t find it but you know you have completed your booking and your payment has gone through – worry not, we can find you on the system when you arrive.