Standard Day Trip
Hidden Valley will be open from 6th April 2025. When making a booking, simply select an arrival time from the dates availability.
- Adult £17.00
- Child (4-15) £16.00
- Child (3 and under) FREE
- Senior Citizen (60+) £14.00
- Disabled Visitors £13.00
- Carer £13.00
- Dogs £1.50
Entry is by booked tickets. Space will be limited on each day.
The park will open at 10am and last entry is 2pm.
Group bookings of 15 or more can be made by contacting us by email or call 0156686463.
Dogs are very welcome in all outside trail areas. They are regrettably not allowed in the Forbidden Mansion. All dogs should be on short fixed leads. Retractable leads are not permitted.